Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Tugas Softskill 1 : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 ( Task ) Februari Pertemuan ke-1

Nama : Asep.Suryadi
Kelas : 3EB11
NPM : 20208200

Contoh Surat Pemasaran

Kepada Yth.

Bapak Hermawan Sudikno

Wahana Sejahtera Company

Sudirman Palace kav. 7A

Jakarta, Indonesia

Bagaimana menghemat 75% - 80% pada system furniture kantor

Kepada Hermawan

Best Company Interiors ingin membantu bisnis Anda menghemat hingga 80% pada sistem perabot kantor. Kami adalah spesialis dalam workstation-nama merek diperbaharui dan pra-dimiliki termasuk Haworth, Herman Miller dan Steelcase. Mengapa membayar harga penuh untuk workstation baru bila Anda bisa mendapatkan furnitur yang indah profesional berkualitas pra-dimiliki dan diperbaharui sistem sampai dengan 80%?

Sebagai dealer layanan penuh kami memiliki produk dan layanan untuk membantu Anda merancang, melengkapi dan menginstal workstation, area resepsi dan ruang pertemuan. Kami adalah jaringan dengan grosir dan distributor di seluruh Indonesia untuk menawarkan berbagai pilihan produk untuk memenuhi semua kebutuhan Anda dan dengan harga yang dijamin sesuai anggaran Anda. Dan, kita akan menyerahkan dan menginstal perabot kantor Anda bagi Anda sehingga proyek Anda selesai dengan benar, tepat waktu dan sesuai anggaran perusahaan.

Untuk penawaran gratis, silakan hubungi kami hari ini di 021 - 009876 atau kunjungi kami di website Di website kami anda terdapat banyak gambar furniture kantor yang kami punya. Website kami menampilkan produk – produk special yang kami punya. Bila anda ingin mendapatkan kesepakatan yang luar biasa silahkan kunjungi website kami.

Kami juga biasa membeli alat – alat kantor dan furniture kantor. Jika peralatan kantor anda ingin dijual, kami sangat berharap kami dapat menawarnya. Kami bekerjasama dengan para pedagang perantara dan agen – agen dari Malaysia dan Singapura yang akan membeli furniture kantor anda dengan dolar. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi kami di 021 – 009876.

Salam Hangat,

Asep Suryadi

021 - 009876 ext 577

Sample Marketing Letter

Mr. Hermawan Sudikno

Wahana Sejahtera Company

Sudirman Palace kav. 7A

Jakarta, Indonesia

How to save 75% - 80% on office systems furniture

Dear Hermawan,

Best Company Interiors wants to help your business save up to 80% on office systems furniture. We specialize in refurbished and pre-owned name-brand workstations including Haworth, Herman Miller and Steelcase. Why pay full price for new workstations when you can get beautiful professional-quality pre-owned and refurbished systems furniture at up to 80% off?

As a full service dealer we have products and services to help you design, furnish and install workstations, reception areas and conference rooms. We are networked with wholesalers and distributors throughout the Indonesian. to offer you an extensive range of products to meet all of your needs and at a price that is guaranteed to fit your budget. And, we will personally deliver and install your office furniture for you so your project is done correctly, on-time and on-budget.

For a free quote, please call us today at 021 - 009876 or visit us online at Our website has many pictures of the office furniture we have in stock. Our website also shows our current specials. If you want an amazing deal, check out our website.

We also buy used workstations and office furniture. If you have office furniture you want to sell, we would love the opportunity to bid on it. We work with brokers and dealers throughout the Malaysia and Singapore who will offer you top dollar for your used office furniture. For more information, please call us at 021 - 009876.

Warmest Wishes,

Asep Suryadi

021 - 009876 ext 577

Contoh Surat Penjualan

Mr. Djarmantio

Adili Semua Company

Kuningan Plaza kav. 7A

Jakarta, Indonesia

Kepada Bapak Djarmantio

Terima kasih banyak untuk aplikasi pinjaman Anda. Saya menghargai bisnis Anda dan berencana untuk melakukan yang terbaik untuk mempercepat proses persetujuan bersama. Saya juga akan melakukan segala upaya untuk menyediakan Anda dengan penutup yang menyenangkan dan lancar. Meskipun apa yang Anda mungkin telah mendengar, membeli rumah bisa, dan harus, menjadi proses yang menyenangkan.

Aku memuji Anda pada pilihan Anda Kim Ahern sebagai agen real estat Anda. Aku tahu saham Kim filosofi bisnis saya dan akan bekerja keras untuk memberikan layanan berkualitas yang layak Anda dapatkan.

Saya ingin mendapatkan aplikasi pinjaman Anda ke dalam penjaminan secepat mungkin. Oleh karena itu, saya akan sangat menghargai jika Anda bisa menanggapi secara cepat permintaan untuk informasi lebih lanjut. membantu Anda akan berkontribusi pada penutupan sukses. Selamat atas pembelian Anda. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, jangan ragu untuk menelepon saya di (021) 7789909.

Hormat saya,

Asep Suryadi

Senior Loan Consultant

Sample Sales Letter

Mr. Djarmantio

Adili Semua Company

Kuningan Plaza kav. 7A

Jakarta, Indonesia

Dear Mr. Djarmantio:

Thank you very much for your loan application. I appreciate your business and plan to do my best to speed the approval process along. I will also make every effort to provide you with a closing that is pleasant and uneventful. Despite what you might have heard, buying a home can, and should, be a fun process.

I commend you on your choice of Kim Ahern as your real estate agent. I know Kim shares my business philosophy and will work hard to provide you with the quality service that you deserve.

I would like to get your loan application into underwriting as quickly as possible. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could respond promptly to any requests for further information. Your help will contribute to a successful closing.

Congratulations on your purchase. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (021) 7789909.


Asep Suryadi

Senior Loan Consultant

Tugas Softskill 1 : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 ( Writing atau Tulisan bebas) Februari Pertemuan ke-1

Nama : Asep.Suryadi
Kelas : 3EB11
NPM : 20208200

The Reality of Decision – Making

Decision making is a complex business subject which combines the most complicated elements of the operational and theoretical aspects of management. The ability to implement the decision – making process is often determined by environmental factors rather than the steps in some “ideal” model. Decisions are frequently influenced more by the environment and structure of the organization than by the method itself. The process of decision – making will, therefore, be examined in light of environmental factors.

One of these factors – social and cultural background – affects the interaction among people involved in the decision process and provides the cultural framework within which they may comfortably operate. The best alternative for solving a problem, for example, might be to replace an employee who is unsuited for a position. However, if in the society’s culture there is a tradition of lifetime employment with one company, that alternative is not really feasible because of social and cultural restrictions.

With regard to the structure of an organization, there are a number of factors that may alter the “ideal” decision-making process. The amount of flexibility within an organization and the available resources (such as facilities, technology, or fiscal reserves) are often controlling factors. The amount of data available may also limit the range of alternatives that can be considered. Another organizational factor is the importance of the decision being made in relation to other problems and responsibilities of management. The relative importance of one decision is weighed against the amount of effort involved in finding a solution and the benefit the company will receive from it’s implementation.