Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Tugas Softskill 6 : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 ( Writing atau Tulisan bebas) April Minggu ke-2

Nama : Asep Suryadi
Kelas : 3EB11
NPM : 20208200

Musical instruments

There are five main groups of musical instruments. They are stringed instruments, wind instruments, percussion instruments, keyboard instruments, and electronic instruments.

Stringed instruments make tones when the player makes one or more string vibrate. The violin, cello, and guitar are stringed instruments.

Wind instruments are played by blowing into or thought a tube. The player controls the sound by placing the fingers on holes in the instruments or on keys that cover holes, or by pressing valves that make the tube longer or shorter. The flute, trumpet and saxophone are wind instruments.

Percussion instruments have keys connected with a part that makes tones. The musician presses the keys to make sounds. The piano, harp, gong, kettle drums, and pipe organ are keyboards instrument (percussion instruments).

Electronic instruments use electricity to make sounds or to make the sounds louder. Electric guitars, synthesizers, electronic piano, and electronic organs are electronic instruments

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